Secrets to Avoid Dialysis-Eating a Pre-Dialysis Diet-Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat
Secrets to Avoid Dialysis
Often pre-dialysis patients find themselves stranded on a desert island as they have just been diagnosed with a stage of kidney failure. Most often this is due to diabetes or continued uncontrolled high blood pressure. Emotions are high, curiosity is running through their minds and fear can set in. I wrote this book as Module 1 in my series of Renal Diet HQ IQ originally only for pre-dialysis, secrets to avoid dialysis but as I continued my research and my writing I found that many pre-dialysis diabetics needed guidance as well, so I incorporated many topics and suggestions for diabetes patients as well and made to module work for both diet plans.
Secrets to avoid dialysis, many products claim to be some sort of secrets to avoid dialysis but all it takes is a little education and some diet meal planning to get your health in order. In this book I discuss calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat as they all relate to predialyis and renal predialysis patients. Many times our website gets patients searching for general information on renal diabetes because the doctors in todays society do not do a good enough job of educating patients on predialysis and diabetes. I found that this book needing two volumes just to make the information able to be digested as Volume 2 will deal with potassium, phosphorus, sodium and fluid intake.
Eating a Pre-Dialysis Diet-Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat: Secrets to Avoid Dialysis
As you make a decision to either join my meal planning membership or buy this book let me remind you that you get a similar version of this book in Module 1 on month 1 of the predialysis or renal diabetic meal plan as well as the meal planning for a month for about the same price as buying this book on Amazon. I want you to get on the right path to your health by either using the meal planners or this book to start off right with Volume 1. As you look for ways to understand your chronic kidney disease then you will find many secrets to avoid dialysis but I want you to know it is all about your education and nutrition, that is it!
Get on the right path by reading this book! Let me know what you think!
Find it here on Amazon or to see the Pre-dialysis diet meal plan or the renal diabetic diet meal plan