Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast 032 – AAKP National Meeting and Farmers Markets Have an Abundance Of Great Things

Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast 032 – AAKP National Meeting and Farmers Markets Have an Abundance Of Great Things

Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast 032 – Aakp National Meeting And Farmers Markets Have An Abundance Of Great Things

Podcast #32 Released on July 31, 2014

Welcome to the Renal Diet Headquarters podcast with your host, Mathea Ford, CEO of Renal Diet headquarters. This is our weekly talk about how you can succeed with a kidney diet. Brought to you by, a website whose mission is to be the most valued resource on kidney disease that people can use to improve their health.

Hello, and welcome to the Renal Diet Headquarters podcast. This is our podcast number 32, and you can find more information at And this is Mathea Ford, your host, and I want to wish you happy end of July. And this month has been very mild here in Oklahoma. And I hope your month is going well. It's starting to get back to school time, and we're ending the month by talking about picnics and eating healthier and food safe foods. And so this is the last podcast about those topics. And so this week I'm going to talk about eating more salads, kind of fresh salads, and talk about farmers markets a little bit. First, I want to talk about the American Association of Kidney Patients national meeting. I decided I'm going to go to the meeting, and I'm kind of excited because they've asked me to do an expert's table. And I can let you know in about a week or two which table I'll be doing. I'm also going to have books available there, and there will be a time when I'll be available to sign them. So, we'll have a time scheduled where you could come by the little marketplace, and I will sign your book.

And I'm excited if you want to come. It's in Las Vegas, and that's September 26 through the 28th, and it's going to be at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. So, if you live in California, Nevada, around that area and you want to go, it's very targeted for patients. 80% of the people there are patients. It does cost money to go. It costs money for the hotel room. But if you can go, it could be a great learning opportunity. And I want to encourage you, but I also just want you to know that anything I share at the meeting, like at my table, I'm going to come back and do a podcast on it so you won't miss out on that information. And I'll probably have a handout that you'll be able to go to the website and download and see what I talked about. And I'm looking forward to having some other opportunities to work with the AAKP in the future. So, I'm going to go to the meeting. And if you go to AAKPmeeting2014 all together, all one word. And that'll be in our show notes at

That'll be in the show notes. But if you go there and you click on that, that will take you to the information about the AAKP national meeting and you can learn more there. So aside from that, other things going on next month, we are going to be talking about healthy meals at home and herbs and spices, and we're going to talk about how to keep your busy schedule from screwing up your diet. But this week, I want to start out with talking about using food safety and keeping food safe even when you're going to the farmers market. So, farmers markets are a way to get fresh produce and items that are probably less expensive, but you can go a couple of times a week and they're extremely fresh. That's what you expect. Find a farmers market and you get to know your farmers. Go talk to them. Ask them, where do you grow? Where did these come from? When did you pick them? And you can find lots of healthy things, and then those are the things that are going to be in season. So, you're actually being healthy and probably saving a little money at the same time.

So, what I would do is recommend that you look at farmers markets as a way to find some more vegetables and more fruits for your diet. Fruits and vegetables have more fiber when they're whole, not drinking fruit juice. But if you eat a piece of fruit or you eat the vegetables, you're going to get more fiber. That's going to help with any sort of heart disease lowering your cholesterol. You're going to get more folate, which is a vitamin that helps with your heart disease. It also just makes you healthier overall. Some are going to have higher amounts of potassium if you're not limited in your potassium. Potassium helps with blood pressure control as well. But you know which fruits and vegetables are high in potassium and which ones are better for you if you're on a restriction. But, just remember that it's going to be fresh and you're going to get just such good flavor from these items. Vitamin A is going to be more in these fruits and vegetables and vitamin C because they're going to be able to help you. Those are going to be able to help you fight infections. Try to eat a variety of colors.

You've got the blue and purple vegetables. You've got your green vegetables. You've got some white, you've got some yellow, orange, and you've got some red. So, you should try to find a way to make your plate look a little bit like a box of crayons. Not all white and yellow, but green or orange or red with your starches and with your meats or your other items on your plate. Going on to food safety at a farmers market, it's important to go straight home. It's just like if you went to the grocery store. So don't go buy items at the farmer's market and then go five or six other places. You don't want to leave the food in a hot car. You can buy some perishable things at the farmer's market, like eggs or something, and you want to make sure that you're able to take those straight home. I'm going to have to go to a farmer's market in the next week or so and take some pictures and post them just so you can see some of the stuff we have around here. But different fruits and vegetables have different requirements for storage and it's just best if you can bring them straight home.

Foods that are best stored at room temperature would be like bananas, melons, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, winter squash. Put them on your counter away from direct sunlight, away from your meats. Some produce can be ripened on your counter and then stored in the refrigerator like peaches, pears, plums. You don't want to put them in sealed bags on your countertop. You want to just leave it open. Most other fruits and vegetables besides those ones I just mentioned should probably be put in your refrigerator and you either have like a CRISPR drawer or a separate section. Ford them. Fruits can give off some gas called ethylene gas, which can shorten the life of vegetables. So you don't want to have the vegetables that give off some odors like onions or whatever that's going to affect your fruits. And you don't want your fruits right next to your vegetables. So try to put them in two separate drawers. Refrigerate your fruits and vegetables in perforated plastic bags if you can. That allows them to have dryness and for the gas to escape. Store your meats below the vegetables and fruits. So you don't want any sort of meat drippings raw or cooked to drop onto the fruits and vegetables.

Always wash your hands. We talked about that last time. Washing your hands thoroughly. Wash produce when you use it, not when you bring it home. So don't bring it home. Wash up a whole bunch and then stick it in the fridge. It has a protective coating on it that nature puts on it and just rinse it under clean water, kind of rub it. If you have a thick skin, use a vegetable brush. But rinse produce. Even when the peel is removed, such as oranges or whatever, bacteria on the outside of the produce can go into the inside when the produce is cut or peeled. So remember that you need to cut or peel it close to the time that you're going to use it. Bring cash to the farmers markets or money orders or whatever. They usually don't take credit cards, although some of them might with the ease of the square and PayPal credit card chargers. But take your own canvas bags. Most of them don't have a bag for you to use, but take your reusable bags or your plastic bags that you may get at the grocery store. Dress comfortably. It's going to be a little bit warm.

They're always outside. They're outside in any sort of weather. If they're big, you may have to walk kind of a distance but just remember to go earlier in the day if you can, because that helps. Fruits and vegetables can deteriorate throughout the day and the heat. So you can get the fresher items that way. But if you go towards the end of the day, they might be willing to get rid of some stuff because they don't want to take it back with them. So you may get a good deal at the end of the day. Buy foods that you're going to eat, especially within a short time, so within the next two or three days. So again, a meal plan is very important. Keep your meals planned out and have them what you're going to eat in the next couple of days and know what you need to buy and what you're going to use. And speaking of farmers markets, at the farmer's market, you might get some lettuce, some radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, all those things that are yummy to eat. And a great thing to do is then mix up a nice salad.

So I would encourage you eat your heavier meal at lunch, eat a lighter meal at dinner. Then your body doesn't have to take as long to digest it. So use your greens, which are good sources of your vitamins. Add some vegetable topper. So if you buy lettuce at the farmers market, make sure you buy some other vegetables and stuff that you like with it. You might add some chickpeas at home or like a grilled chicken breast. Good super toppers. Might be some dried fruits, maybe a little bit of nuts. But remember, nuts might have protein that are going to affect your kidney disease. So just be careful and then keep your fruits healthy by cutting them close to the time that you're going to use them. Add some attention to the use by dates, any sort of things that you buy at the grocery store. If you get that bag of lettuce, it probably has a use by date, so just be cautious, remember that. And don't use a ton of salad dressing. We talked a couple of weeks ago about how to make a nice salad dressing that you can use for this. That's not going to have a lot of preservatives, a lot of potassium and phosphorus.

It's going to be low in those things and you can add a lot of herbs to it. I personally love balsamic vinegar, and I'm a sucker for lemon juice, so I like a little bit of lemon juice and a little bit of oil and it just makes it really yummy. Even when I go get a sandwich at like a Subway or a firehouse subs or something, I get mostly vinegar. I say a little dab of oil and then lots of vinegar. I like that flavor. So if you can move, have a little bit higher percentage of vinegar like we talked about. But always remember, you're even with a salad, you're looking for that variety in color and texture that's going to add fiber and vitamins to your meal. It's going to taste so good because it's fresh with the farmers market stuff, you know, as fresh as possible, as close as possible to the picking time, it's going to be the best thing for you. So this week we talked about the AKP national meeting. If you're interested in that, I want you to go check that information out at We have the link to the national meeting.

And I talked about farmers markets and I talked about making nice salads. And next week I'll write up a blog post, do some review on the farmers markets that we have around here. And I'll let you know, take some pictures and just give you some inspiration. And I look forward to talking to you again next month. Hope your July has been great. Next month we're going to talk again about the healthy meals and the herbs and spices. And also farmers markets might be year round, but a lot of times they're just maybe from March or April to October, that's kind of how they are around here. So, depending on your growing season, but I just encourage you to find out the ones that are near you and go find what they have. Just talk to your farmers, say, hey, what else do you have? When do you pick it? How often do you come to this market? Where else do you sell your produce? Okay, I will talk to you again next week. Thank you so much. Bye bye.

You've been listening to the Renal Diet Headquarters podcast. Head on over to the website at to sign up for our email list and get exciting updates every week on what is happening. Thanks and we will talk to you again next week.

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#1 - I am going to the AAKP national meeting - learn more at

Meet me and have some great learning experiences.  I will have books for sale and a chance to have me sign your book.  I also am planning to do a lunch experts table about a topic yet to be determined.  Looking forward to meeting you if you go, otherwise, I will review the information from the meeting on this podcast.

RDHQ 032 Transcript

Email me at [email protected] for suggestions

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